Sunday, September 11, 2011

Week Two: Online Communities

I know a lot of people have decided to go with Facebook for their online community. My guess is that many of them were already members of Facebook so it makes sense. I am not a member of Facebook and I really have no interest in joining Facebook. I decided to join Classroom 2.0 and one of the reasons for doing so is that I really want to keep my personal life private and seperate from my work life. I like that Classroom 2.0 is geared towards colaborate technology in education, which is what I was looking for. I was not familiar with this particular online community before starting this project, but I hope to expand my professional learning community to include people from all over the world by joinging Classroom 2.0. I know that our school librarian is a member of Classroom 2.0 because I found her on there and sent a "friend" request. However, I think she is fairly new to the community so I'm not sure how she intends on using it. My guess is that she just wants to be able to collaborate with other librarians.


  1. I chose to do Facebook because I already have it. I know you said you want to keep your personal life private and that makes sense. At my school our administrator suggested that we become friends with our student's parents. I have found it to be quite helpful. I have already have several parents message me about homework and other questions. I am interested to hear how you use Classroom 2.0 this year as a PLC.

  2. I also chose Facebook because I already have it. I had a myspace account once...never got used to I deleted it after a month I think. I think I may look up this Classroom 2.0 that you mentioned to see what it is like and if that can be utilized in our schools since facebook is not.
