Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Week Nine: Instant Messaging

For this activity I went with Google TALK. It was very quick and easy to use, plus it's free, which is always a plus! If you want to invite someone all you have to do is know their email address and you click invite, then type in their email address. If you have a gmail account it will also give you access to you contacts list so you don't have to remember them or type them in. I decided to look into the difference between the regular Google TALK and the Labs Edition for the purpose of this assignment since I was already using Google TALK on a regular basis. The Labs Edition had way more features that I like, for example you could do a conference chat and they had cute little emoticons that you could add. Unfortunately, it was never up and running very consistantly. I even tried emailing google about it, but I have not heard back from them yet. Ultimately I decided to stick it out witht the regular Google TALK and just IM one person at a time.

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